Monday, January 15, 2007

Inside the Gamer's Studio:: Joeshie from AnimeNation

What are your favorite genres of games?

FPS and RTS are my two big favorites. However, I usually am willing to play most genres as long as the game looks pretty interesting.

How long have you been gaming?

Well, I started gaming back when I was eight or nine with the Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening. However, I didn't really like the game so I really "started" gaming after I played Final Fantasy VIII in middle school. So I guess that would put it at around ten years.

What is it that you like about gaming now?

High quality games with great production values.

What is it that you liked about gaming in the past?

Eh, nothing has really changed for me in gaming over these past ten years other than being introduced to different genres. I still enjoy games that I play today for the same reasons that I enjoyed games when I first started.

What is your biggest gripe about gaming now?

Fanboys. I hate them with a great passion. That and 13 year old boys who feel the need for me to hear their whiny, prepubescent voice over Teamspeak/Ventrillo.

I also hate how many people seem to feel the need to criticize others opinions of video games. Just because they don't feel as strongly about a game as you do, doesn't mean you should harass and ridicule them.

Anything that you would look for in gaming in the future?

The day when PC gaming returns to greatness above consoles.

Thanks for your time in doing this interview.

Next time: Reviews of Vol. 3 of Basilisk and Elemental Gelade

Monday, January 08, 2007

Inside the Gamer's Studio: Jae Hoon of AnimeNation and Shoryuken

Thanks for taking the time to let me interview you.

What are your favorite genres of games?

Fighting games and FPS. Both FG and FPS need at combination of skill,luck,preparation and intelligence to overcome your opponent.

How long have you been gaming?
23 years

What is it that you like about gaming now?

The fact that they can put so much more into the games now. They arent constricted like they used to be and are generally able to put everything in the game they want to.

What is it that you liked about gaming in the past?

The simplicity of it.

What is your biggest gripe about gaming now?

All the games that get rushed out before they are developed to meet consumer demand. Halo 2 for example was only about 75 percent done when it was launched and it shows.

Anything that you would look for in gaming in the future?

Companies making less promises about what their console will do. I expect Sony to say the PS4 will be able to cook eggs.

Blunt and to the point, Jae Hoon never disappoints for as long as I've known him. Thanks for the time, guy.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

Inside the Gamer's Studio: Rahxephon91 of AnimeNation

Thanks for giving you time to making this possible, Rahxephon.

What are your favorite genres of games?
I love RPGs because I think they allow for the player to go on awesome adventures. I just love traversing a games world and taking part in its story.I love online FPS because I just like working with a team. Its a great gaming experience when your fighting some battle with other cool people. Lastly, I love action games because its just cool being the action hero. I'm all into the experience that comes with games.

How long have you been gaming?

Pretty much 10 years now. My interest in gaming started when I got my N64 for xmas in 1996. I would say though my interst into gaming as more then just a kids thing started when I got my PS2 and played Metal Gear Solid 2. Thats when gaming acutally became "something to me". It's hard to explain.

What is it that you like about gaming now?

I just love the experince that games let you partake in. I mean where else can you be some guy who is sneaking into government facilities and battling mechs? Plus they are just fun. I think games are really imaginative and I like that.

Well, I have only been playing for 10 years and I'm not sure a lot has changed but I did like it when Square wasn't making FF sequels.

What is your biggest gripe about gaming now?
All these companies that are just gouging gamers for extra stuff over xbox Live and the such. I shouldn't need to pay $20 for new maps. That stuff use to be free or just $5. $5 was reasonable to me and I would spend that on an online game. I also dislike what EA is doing with the marketplace. The Godfather game is the perfect example. Also, $5 for wallpaper? That is so stupid.

Anything that you would look for in gaming in the future?
Really just what developers can do with the PS3 and 360. I really wanna see what new worlds and experiences they can bring life to. Gears of War is great example. Personally I am not a big fan, but the world is just amazing to look at and they gunfights just add so much to it. You do feel like you are in some war. Final Fantasy XIII just looks incredible and from what I heard about the battle system. Its going to create one great experince.

Once again, I'd like to thank Rahxephon91 for taking the time to do this interview.

Next time on the Gamer's Studio: Jae Hoon

Saturday, January 06, 2007

Inside the Gamer's Studio: Deathscythe of AnimeNation and Shoryuken

What are your favorite genres of games?

The genres that strike my fancy are:

Fighters, RacersRPGs, Platformers, SRPGs, Action/Adventure, Sidescrollers, Shooters

How long have you been gaming?

I've been gaming since 1989 when the Nintendo was the next step in the video game revolution after the Atari and Coleco consoles. I'm sure the Sega Master System was released around that time as well, but, I was never really familiar with it per se. So, if the math is done right, I've been gaming for 18 years.

What is it that you like about gaming now?

Hmm....that's a pretty tough question because there is so much out there in terms of gaming. But, there is so little that sticks out and make's you wonder "Wow, from 8-bit graphics to near-reality. The difference is really there."

I would consider the gameplay factors and graphical output of every game to be something I love about gaming nowadays. A game like Metal Gear Solid that was introduced to the world in the fall/winter of 1998 really caught me off guard. I never played any of the old school Metal Gear games. But, the sheer brilliance of the gameplay, and the engrossing story, you're left wondering, "Holy Goddamn, if this is the next evolution in gaming. Then, I'm gonna go broke." Of course, there were games like Resident Evil and Final Fantasy VII that broke the mold. But, to me, MGS1 stood out as the single most important gaming experience of the Saturn/PSX/N64 era. It changed the plateau of gaming forever. Maturity in a game finally arrived.

I would consider that one of the reasons why I dig gaming in the current era. I still hold the classics dear to my heart like Mario Bros. 3, TMNT 4: Turtles In Time and Streets of Rage 2. But, when you step your game up and deliver an experience that can't be forgotten, you just can't look back ever again.

What is it that you liked about gaming in the past?

The simplicity. The fun. The concept of eating a mushroom and growing large. But, those things will never compare to the fighting game scene in the late 90's and early this millenium. Oh my God, that was the most fun I've ever had in terms of gaming. As a fighting game fan growing in the 90's it was a blessing to have such an abundance of fighting games and arcade locations to compete at.

Fighting games were at their peak last decade. The friends I made, the enemies I encountered. It was awesome. There's no better feeling than victory. Unfortunately, I didn't get to compete on a national level because I was fairly young(13 at the time) when I was playing Marvel vs. Capcom 1. It was the first fighter I took seriously because I decided to finally learn Street Fighter the right way.

The scene lives by a thread through smaller outlets around the United States. But, in Japan, it's as strong as it was yesteryear. We can only pray for the day where competitive Street Fighter makes a return to the mainstream.

What is your biggest gripe about gaming now?

I could talk about the fighting game scene again. But, it would only make me flustered. So, I'll mention the Next Generation talk that has been happening these past few months throughout the internet and physiological gatherings at your local Gamestop.

Before, we used to have the rivalry before Nintendo and Sega. It was awesome. Two great consoles with their great exclusives. No problems there. It was a fun time to be a gamer. Nowadays, you have Xbox fanboys, Sony fanboys and Nintendo fanboys. Hardcore. We're talking pure hatred in the greatest font you can ever find on your MS Word program.

It's pretty bad when you have all of this division going on between fans because of whose system is the bigger seller and how powerful the graphics are. People fail to realize that in the long run, we're the winners because we have so much to look forward to in terms of gaming. All these systems. All of these games. Sure, money is an issue and sometimes you have to stick to your guns. But, don't hate on someone just because they're buying an Xbox360. I'll admit, I'm not a MS fan. BUT, I've been convinced that the 360 has something to offer. And I want it. Same goes with the Wii. Sometimes you just gotta wait it out and see what the system will bring to you. And if it doesn't, then let it be.

Anything that you would look for in gaming in the future?

Street Fighter 4. It's a longshot. But, it's something I've been looking forward to since SF3 came out in 1999. And if not, more fighting games in America that need exposure: Virtua Fighter 5. The future is now. Right now.

Thanks for your time, Deathscythe.

Next on the Gamer's Studio: Rahxephon91

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Paladins of the Caribbean

In my last post, I mentioned the interesting times with Paladins in World of Warcraft. Today, my pally friend and I went hunting pirates and treasure. We fight a couple of pirates and he gets the tresure, rum and all. It was a good laugh though, even after getting jumped by giant sea turtles.

Me (watching a Gorilla run by named Amiee): Hey it's that monkey from that movie with the apes.

Pally: Planet of the Apes.
Me: No, not that one...CONGO!!! That's it! It was made in the 90s.
Pally: Cool.

Another conversation:

Me: LOL...just saw that Goblin's name...Spraggle Frock.
Pally: LOL.

Not much went on in the sense of conversation, but if I could make a vid of what goes on, it's awesome.

Reviews on the way. Get ready.

Coming soon: Inside the Gamer's Studio.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Conversations with a Paladin.

Happy New Year's, everyone. Hope 2007 brings more fortune and cheer than 2006.

I've been playing lots of World of Warcraft lately and have been having loads of fun with it, too. For the most part, during my adventures, some of the most interesting people have been Paladins. Aside from the fact that they're magic using warriors, they're also good people. One of my close friends have been going on many an adventure and doing many a quest together. Here's some samples:

Pally (short for Paladin): You know something?
Me: What?
Pally: Gnomes have 4 fingers.
Me: Hm. I've noticed that myself.
Pally: I never knew that.
Me: Neither did I.

Another conversation went like this:

Pally: I just had another thought.
Me: What's up?
Pally: All the players in World of Warcraft are human...even the horde.
Me: Hm....never thought of that before.
Pally: So, in retrospect, we've been fighting humans all this time.
Me: Yeah. Alliance or Horde, we're all the same once we log off.
Pally: Yup.

And that's just a sample of what could go on for hundreds of pages. Here's a little snippet of what I do on my journeys through Azeroth:

Games currently in queue:


Anime in queue:

GunxSword Vol 3
Basilisk Vol 3
Elemental Gelade Vol 3