Saturday, December 23, 2006

Merry Christmas, Ya'll

Yep. That sums it up. Time to get with friends and family and have at it.

Right now, I'm just doing a little Yultide Gaming with the guys. Great fun. Next stop, family.

So get out there and spread and feel the spirit.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

That time again.

It's time for the Holidays. Good cheer and good will to everyone. I always look forward to the Holidays because, for me, it's a warm time of the year, in the sense of being with friends and family. Sure, one can do that any other day of the year, but it's just something about this time of year that just sticks out.

In other news, I know that I've been uber late on reviews, but this is due to forces beyond my control. Work, life, and lack of internet access for the past couple of months have all stifled my review flow.

I'm almost finished with Yakuza, so, to anyone who's interested, I'll let you know how that turns out. So far, it's awesome. I was thinking that it was going to be another GTA except in Japan, but it is far from that. In all honesty, it sort of plays like a stripped down Shenmue. I would really recommend this game to all and any who are interested. Final review to follow soon.

Saturday, December 02, 2006

It's time to live.

I've noticed in times recent, that people seem to withdraw themselves not only from society, but life as a whole. People are so preoccupied with their computers, televisions, games, etc. that many of them forgotten what life is all about: living.

Now, I'm not coming down on anyone's hobby, but people just need to get out and interact with the world. If one doesn't interact with people, then get out and interact with nature. Read a book, spar with someone in a fight, go running, do something. Prove that you're alive, prove that you're worthy of the life bestowed upon you.

Too many people seem to take too many things for granted, including life. Rather than be a statistic or a social ink blot, get out there and prove your humanity. Live, I say. LIVE!!!