Friday, April 21, 2006

My brain hurts...

Lately, my mind has been going into overdrive. I guess that's one of the benefits of not living with cable television. However, the only thing that sucks about it is that I either have the propensity to say what I'm thinking out loud, or when I sleep, I get a real jittery vision of my thoughts in my mind. It's like trying to watch an IMAX film, during an 8.5 scale earthquake and trying to sleep at the same time.'s friggin' impossible.

Also, in the absence of television, I've had the chance to play many a great game like Xenogears, Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams, and Dance Dance Ultramix 3.

Well, I'm done here. I highly suggest that everyone turn of the Idiot Box and get out there and do something.