Monday, December 19, 2005

It's Chrimmy-time...

Yup, it's that time of the year. Deck the halls with boughs of holly, trimming the tree, and all that jazz. I still keep in mind the reason for the season and that's the birth of Jesus, our Lord.

On a minor rant, I just get PO'ed at the fact commercial rears its ugly head. I work in friggin' retail and it is literally hell on earth. People coming in wanting crap that I don't know what the deuce they're talking about or what they want. * Lord forgive me for my rant *

On the up side, it's peace on earth and good will towards men. A time for all peoples to come together. Do I sound like some cheesy primetime Christmas special...yeah. But hey, this season will do a lot of things to ya, just depends on how ya take it.

Monday, December 12, 2005

Down wit it...

It's hard being under-employed, I'll tell you what. I sit in the house and play games for a couple of hours, go to parts unknown, get something to eat, then come back. I just hope and wish that I get my job and soon.

The lease on my apartment is almost up and me and the guys are contemplating our next move. Meh, gotta get something to eat. So hungry that my stomach is about to implode.

peace out