Conversations with a Paladin.
Happy New Year's, everyone. Hope 2007 brings more fortune and cheer than 2006.
I've been playing lots of World of Warcraft lately and have been having loads of fun with it, too. For the most part, during my adventures, some of the most interesting people have been Paladins. Aside from the fact that they're magic using warriors, they're also good people. One of my close friends have been going on many an adventure and doing many a quest together. Here's some samples:
Pally (short for Paladin): You know something?
Me: What?
Pally: Gnomes have 4 fingers.
Me: Hm. I've noticed that myself.
Pally: I never knew that.
Me: Neither did I.
Another conversation went like this:
Pally: I just had another thought.
Me: What's up?
Pally: All the players in World of Warcraft are human...even the horde.
Me: Hm....never thought of that before.
Pally: So, in retrospect, we've been fighting humans all this time.
Me: Yeah. Alliance or Horde, we're all the same once we log off.
Pally: Yup.
And that's just a sample of what could go on for hundreds of pages. Here's a little snippet of what I do on my journeys through Azeroth:

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