Capcom = Crapcom: Good potetial, but doing the bare minimum
Ever took a look back at all the games you've played? If so, try to remember which company had the games you call your personal favorites. More than likely, Capcom comes to mind. Unless you've been living under a rock for the past 20 some odd years, Capcom has given us such games as Bionic Commando, Mega Man (Rockman to you Nippon Purists), Street Fighter, Resident Evil, and so on. You will notice that those are some of the best games that you've ever played in your gaming career. However, one dark nuance that you will most likely notice is Capcom's penchant for doing the bare minimum. In other words, making a game just fun enough, but leaving gaping flaw in the mechanics, seems to be Capcom's forte.
One glaring example is Capcom whoring out their titles. Now, that's not to say that other companies aren't guilty of this, but Capcom is downright notorious for this kind of crap. You need not look any further than the Mega Man and Resident Evil series. The first couple of iterations, normally the first 2 or 3, are pretty fun and memorable. However, when you get to the umpteenth iteration, does Capcom's ass starts to show. The first 2 Mega Man games were awesome. The third game after just becomes the same thing, same bosses, but different offshoots and locales.l Notice how Hard Man's (Mega Man 3) is awfully similar to Gutsman's (Mega Man 1) stage. Also, Resident Evil games speak for themselves. For the longest time, you have the same tank controls, same sort of gameplay, ad infinitum. Even when Resident Evil Remake came out for the Gamecube, it was still the same damn game and same damn controls. It wasn't until series creator Shinji Mikami played REmake that he knew the game needed an overhaul, but it came too many games later.
Another glaring example is Onimusha: Dawn of Dreams. The was playable...and that was just about it. The main flaw...that game was one long series of boss fights. On top of that, to reach the height of douchebaggery, Capcom decides not to give you any rest points between bosses. I won't say too much about it without spoiling the game for those who have yet to play it.
Bottom line: Capcom has the potential for such greatness, but they just get lazy and ass it to hell. In seriousness, this crap has got to stop.
This thing is kinda disjoint, but who cares. Just some stuff that I wanted to get off my chest.