Thursday, March 29, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
300: Well done, well excecuted, hardcore
This movie is easily the Oscar winner of 2007. This movie goes hard. Take 300 men and place them against an army bordering millions and insurmountable odds, and you have yourself an epic.
The movie 300 is based on the historical account of King Leonidas and his noble Spartans, who held off the onslaught of Xerxes and the Persian Empire. The title of the movie is the same as the number of men that held off the Persians at Thermoplyae. If you have read the history behind the movie, then you already know how it ends. However, as with all things in life, even movies, it's not the destination, but the journey that hold value. This movie is also based on the 300 graphical novel by Frank Miller, the same man behind Sin City.
I highly recommend this movie to any action movie fan out there. This movie goes hard.
I give this movie 5 stars.
Monday, March 05, 2007
Straight from the top of my dome....
Video games. Love 'em or hate 'em, they're a staple of our modern culture. From the days of Pac-Man to Devil May Cry, games have made their presence known. However, what happens when said presence goes unnoticed? By unnoticed, I mean people not giving a rat's ass anymore. Well my friends, that's where I am with gaming. A few titles in between that I can get excited about but nothing more beyond that. So...where did this begin?
To as far as I can remember, it happened late last year with Disgaea 2. Rewinding a bit further, it began with the XBOX 360 and the advent of the next generation. When the potential of a current system is finally being tapped, another model comes out. I'm open to the new systems and what they have to offer, but my stance on the new generation of gaming is too much, too soon. Now, we have a bombardment of games that seem to be very interesting, but no one will really have the time or money to play them. Sure you can pace yourself, but it really doesn't change the fact that the gaming market is becoming oversaturated with games to the point of burnout. Which is where I'm heading now. Burnout. Also, I would like to squeeze in prices. $60 for a game. I thought we were done with those prices back in the NES and Genesis days, but I seem to be wrong. It used to be a time where I was hurting for a game. Now, with prices and the fact that a lot of game purchases can be crap shoots full of disappointment, games are starting to hurt me.
As far as gaming news is concerned, I just don't care anymore. Could this be a temporary phase, perhaps. But for now, I just say, for the most part, screw it.