Saturday, March 10, 2007

300: Well done, well excecuted, hardcore

This movie is easily the Oscar winner of 2007. This movie goes hard. Take 300 men and place them against an army bordering millions and insurmountable odds, and you have yourself an epic.

The movie 300 is based on the historical account of King Leonidas and his noble Spartans, who held off the onslaught of Xerxes and the Persian Empire. The title of the movie is the same as the number of men that held off the Persians at Thermoplyae. If you have read the history behind the movie, then you already know how it ends. However, as with all things in life, even movies, it's not the destination, but the journey that hold value. This movie is also based on the 300 graphical novel by Frank Miller, the same man behind Sin City.

I highly recommend this movie to any action movie fan out there. This movie goes hard.

I give this movie 5 stars.


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