Well I'll be damned....
Heh. Kinda old news, but as of this month, I'm hereby a quarter of a century old. I'm just glad that the arthritis is starting to set in yet. Bah, bad joke, I know. But whatever, I got seniority. I gets to do that.
As of now, it's almost time to Decide the Destiny as I have my copy of Fist of the North Star. Only problem is, gotta wait for some tools to install for my PS2. I missed today's shipment by only one hour as I was asleep. Ain't that a crock?
All in all, life's been good for me. I'm still here, doing what I dizzle, so I can't complain. Heck, no one can.
I've been hella busy as of late, but will be getting back in the swing of things with review, preview, and all that sort of hooliganery.