Game Review: Super Dragon Ball Z
KAMEEEEEEHAAAAAAAMEEEEEEHAAAAAAAAAAA! You get a cookie if you know who pulls off that move. Super Dragon Ball Z for the PS2, the latest in the series by Atari, gives us a new take on 3D fighting and how Dragon Brawling should be done.
Super DBZ sports 6 primary modes: Original (you versus the computer), Z Survivor (survival mode against 10 opponents), Training (for honing your skills), Customization (beef up your character anyway you like), Dragon Summonining (use the Dragon Balls you've collected to unlock abilities and charcters), and Versus (old-school free for all).
Super Dragon Ball Z plays like your run of the mill fighter: you have a set amount of characters, choose one, and have at it. However, what sets it apart is the fighting engine and the huge customization options for your character. It's almost like pokemon in the sense that you train your character to become the ultimate warrior as you see fit. Street Fighter creator, Noritaka Funamizu, lended a helping hand in the combat system in the sense that you pull off most moves like fireballs and dragon punches as you would in normal Street Fighter fashion.
Another key component in this game is the customization of fighters, which has been around since the first Dragon Ball Z Budokai game. You have your standard skill tree that you use experience to purchase skills rather than having to rely on capsules. You have have your standard stand modifiers, such as defense and attack, and moveset. What really makes it interesting is how you can give a character someone elses moves. For example, giving Chi-Chi the ability to use Frieza's Death Ball.
As with any game, Super DBZ isn't without its share of flaws. The main flaw encountered is being spammed to death with multiple energy bursts from a CPU opponent and having them go to town on you. Another is flaw is that you'll find yourself in a pinch to finish your opponent, but are unable to because your action (stamina) gauge has run dry, leaving you prone to attacks.
This game will keep you busy with unlockables and customization, making for a rewarding fighting experience. As with all fighting games, the best experience comes from an old-fashioned throwdown with your best friends. If you're a fan of the series, then this will be the best offering the series has to date. If you're not a fan of the series, but are just looking for a crazy fighting experience, then give Super Dragon Ball Z a shot.
Final score: 8/10