Sorry about the delay, ladies and genltemen.
You know, it really sucks not having regular internet access. That's why I haven't been bloggin' as of late^_^ Now, on to business.
You know what really "grinds my gears": dudes who act like chicks to get chicks.
I mean, really. Why are you gonna debase yourself to such lowly behavior just to get at a woman who has, at most, an inkling of interest in you. I've come to a conclusion about dating...screw it. Screw it entirely. In this day and age, it just ain't worth it. Physically, emotionally, financially, I say screw it with a pair of rusty pliers.
This may be dubbed off of as the rantings of a bitter man...sure, ok. Like I care. It's like you gotta jump through hoops and go through hell and high water to get even a bit of attention from a woman, nowadays. C'mon ladies, if you're still whining about why there aren't any good men out there nowadays...LOOK IN THE FRIGGIN' MIRROR!!!
And that concludes another rant and blogging, courtesy of...The Law.
Stay cool.