Monday, April 14, 2008

Arcana Heart: The New -ish

There's a new entry into the fighting arena from the land of the rising sun. That entrant is Arcana Heart.

Arcana Heart is your basic fighting game where you basically try to beat the crap out of each other. However, there's a twist. Enter the Arcana. The key mechanics of the game revolve around the Arcana, hence the game's namesake. You have different arcana such as Death, Lightning, and Fire that augment your fighter's abilities. For example, if your character has poor anti-air attacks by default, then equipping an Arcana such as lightning will help you out.

The learning curve to this game is moderate, but not too overwhelming. By the same token, the game isn't just pick up and play. Arcana Heart carries a certain depth to it that will have you studying multiple aspects in order to better your game.

Final Score: 9/10


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