Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Reliquary of thoughts...

I really don't have much to say after beating Devil May Cry 4, except for the fact that I'm loving the Bloody Palace. Truth be told, I'm digging that more than Challenge of the Gods/Titans from God of War.

Anywho, just finished my second networking course for CISCO certification and I'm free. So, I'm gonna rustle up some games on my backlog and have at it.

Yesterday was St. Patty's Day. I was real content being an Ale Swillin' Hippie that day and nearly wiping my raid group due to my drunken tanking :P (J/K guys, you know I love ya.) There's nothing like drinking a Heineken keg can of beer while controlling a Night Elf warrior in the labyrinth that is Zul'Aman.

Speaking of Zul'Aman, what is the deal with that place. The place is like Heroic Karazhan or stuff, got lots of good loot....but it's secret society raids only. In other words, if you don't get that summon form that clandestine group or member, you ain't going.

Lots of rambling here, but I got a headache, just woke up, and am groggy as hell. And no, the beer had nothing to do with it. Now if you'll excuse me, I'm gonna go burn some muscle.

Peace out.


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